With the latest patch [1] for bug 146638 [2] the localizable string
STR_EMDASH_SEPARATOR was introduced. It is used in the application's title bar
instead of the previously hard-coded hyphen.
before: "Untitle 1 - LibreOffice Writer"
now: "Untitle 1 — LibreOffice Writer"
Translators can adjust
Hi Marco,
Le 16/01/2023 à 21:19, Marco Marega a écrit :
Hi Sophi, everybody
Il 10/01/23 18:32, sophi ha scritto:
During our call today with the team, we have discussed the issues
about performances reported from time to time here. Would that help to
have a debug session with Christian? we co
Sorry, if I was not clear. The new string is only in master (7.5 is in
sstring/UI freeze) and the message is a heads-up for the next release.
Weblate reflects 7.5, so please wait a few days until the new string shows up.
The key id is generated when the code variable is transferred, I don't kno
Hi. I have been working on tdf bug 56258 related to improving numbering
outline list formats.
First of all, I wanted to inform that I made all of the locales that had
identical LC_NumberingLevel definitions to instead just refer to
ref="en_US", meaning that any improvements to the US numbering w