Hi all,
We have deployed a Weblate instance for testing purpose here:
You can login with your Pootle account. Cloph has updated it with the
last strings from master.
*NOTE*: *it is for testing purpose only*, the test will go-on until end
of LibOCon and we wi
Lol, Hebrew looks pretty German from here:
On Tue, Aug 27, 2019, 17:39 sophi wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have deployed a Weblate instance for testing purpose here:
> https://vm137.documentfoundation.org/
> You can login with your Pootle account. Cloph has updated it with the
> last strings from m
Hi Yaron,
Le 27/08/2019 à 16:45, Yaron Shahrabani a écrit :
> Lol, Hebrew looks pretty German from here:
Could you give me the exact path to the file, I can't see it in your
screenshot. Thanks
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sophi 於 2019年8月27日 週二 下午10:38寫道:
> Hi all,
> We have deployed a Weblate instance for testing purpose here:
> https://vm137.documentfoundation.org/
> You can login with your Pootle account. Cloph has updated it with the
> last strings from master.
> *NOTE*: *it is for testing purpose only*,
You can restrict to disply your language only in your profile in
"translated languages". Then save the setting.
Em 27/08/2019 12:33, Cheng-Chia Tseng escreveu:
> There are too many files and paths. Finding the right one I would like to
> translate is so painful.
> It will definitely be
Why are there untranslated strings for Upper Sorbian and Lower Sorbian
on Weblate? All master strings are translated on Pootle for both languages.
And, will Weblate the translation platform in future, note more Pootle?
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Olivier Hallot 於 2019年8月27日 週二 下午11:45寫道:
> Hi
> You can restrict to disply your language only in your profile in
> "translated languages". Then save the setting.
Yeah, I have done that already.
I'm talking about Weblate lists one file by one file instead of folder view
display as Pootle does.
I agree with Cheng.
All the different small parts of items makes it uncomfortable to see
what to translate.
Better is to have one folder of untranslated items (like Pootle)
And saving a change and skip to the next item seems a bit slow to me.
Kind regards, Kees
Cheng-Chia Tseng schreef op 27.0