till be able to set this
information in the environment variable GROFF_FONT_PATH: for
an explanation of this and similar things see "man groff".
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 21-Feb-05
n text inside the ".KF ... .KE", then the page
number attached to the index entry will be the page number
on which the "keep" was first encountered, and not the page
number on which it is printed. It is possible to work round
things like this, but it can be subtle!
Hoping th
and detailed specifications of font changes, etc. This is all
at a much lower level than what TeX source code corresponds to,
and a postprocessor to generate TeX source would have to undo
a lot of this. (In passing, I wonder what one might call such
a post
velopment" types of topics, but that's
just how it happened.
If you're a beginner, just ask your questions. We will
all do our best to help.
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]&g
as well, so that the automatic expansion of inter-word
spaces which normally cause the line to be filled out to
its full length does not take place.
The other things are explained in the lyrics.
Note in particular the blank line following ".sp"
in the input file.
Hoping t
On 29-Mar-05 Ted Harding wrote:
> On 29-Mar-05 Otavio Exel wrote:
>> [...]
>> I'm using -me and groff 1.17.2 (debian stable);
> I'll make a suggestion. This uses the 'ms' macros (which
> I'm more familiar with than 'me' so I know what
On 31-Mar-05 Peter Schaffter wrote:
> Hi.
> I got two pornographic-sounding spams today, one apparently from
> Werner, the other apparently from Ted Harding. Rather than wait to
> see if these are isolated incidents, I'm cut 'n' pasting both
> emails with full
ng is done by specialised macros in whatever
macro package you happen to be using. See for instance
"module ref, Refer support" in s.tmac. In the past I've
had to rewrite this stuff to make it adapt to a different
In the end I switched to a different approach, based on
Tim Bud
file, with the result
that you may get parts of letters (e.g. descenders) clipped
off. Again, I have edited the ghostscript scripts to allow
a little extra margin so as to avoid this, but I find that
the BoundingBox method described above is better, as well
as being more flexible (e.g. you can us
e are getting persistent
(and very specific) spam from that domain.
I'm no expert on the inner workings of all this sort of thing,
and not being list administrator I can't foind out about #1.
So I can only suggest ... !
Best wishes,
ertheless it is clear that the two kinds of
invocation cause /bin/bash to behave differently.
I'm no expert on the details of differences between /bin/bash
and /bin/sh -> /bin/bash, still less on differences between
bin/someshell and bin/sh -> /bin/someshell, but I think that
the possible dif
points. This is still
rather imperceptible in real life, but it makes the point,
and in a different context it could matter visibly.
But there are no absolute rules for all occasions. You have
to think about the magnitude of what can happen.
Best wishes,
uot;\Z'\h'0.04n'\v'-0.8n'\D'c 0.5n''\[is]"}}%
or put the material between ".EQ" and ".EN" in your .../tmac/eqnrc
Example (with the above already defined):
Sint sub S f(x) ~ dS
Hoping this helps,
Best wishes,
often succeeded with it, but without ever being
quite sure why!).
Maybe others know better ...
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 20-Aug-05 Time: 15:51:56
$3'T' \{\
.ds pic*Table T
.el \{\
.de PE
.ie '\\*[pic*Table]'T' .rm pic*Table
.el \{\
[The reason for "\\$3" is that when 'pic' does its work it computes
a width and height for the graphic and replaces ".PS ..." with a lin
eight h-2*d with .se at B.se + (0,d) colored $4
box width w-2*d height h with .se at B.se + (-d,0) colored $4
box invis with .se at B.se width 1.5 height 1.0
.fam H
colbox(1.5, 1.0, 0.15, "green")
"test" "test"
ecial "work-pound" that gpic already uses with "fill".
Another feature which is missing (and I'm actually surprised
that the original 'pic' did not provide for it) is the rotation
of entities.
box with .c at (0,0) rotate 30
for a box rotated t
TOC for pages 1, 3, 5, 6, 7,
and 9, which appears at the start of the final document.
The individual pages 1-9 simply have "Page 1" , ... , "Page 9"
on them!
Hoping this is useful,
o give
På øen i søen vi kan få en sæt -- Ålborgs Akvavit med en
Carlsbergs øl
(but everyone settles on their own preferred details for that
kind of thing).
Good luck with the installation, and welcome to groff!
Please ask to this list any questions you need to get going.
Best wishes,
On 16-Oct-05 Daniel de Kok wrote:
> On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, (Ted Harding) wrote:
>> The only thing I specially did (and indeed have done ever since),
>> since the machine was so weak, was to buy a PostScript printer.
>> With that, the PostScript output from groff went straight
r system will support it). so that you have a file
Then you can write your document:
\f[BI]\s[20]Desirable Residence at Øresund\s0\fP
This attractive house near the beach at Øresund ...
[some tempting stuff]
.PSPIC house.eps 152c
\fBFrontal Elevation of the Property\
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 17-Oct-05 Time: 15:16:21
-- XFMail --
e, and for
all that I recognise the protection that GPL etc. provide for
these principles, I'm also a devotee of Freedom From Bureaucracy!
(This also connects to UTP, which Meg mentioned, and I'll post
separately about that when I've had a bit more think ... ).
Best wishes to all,
"I can touch-type, but I cannot touch-mouse"
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 19-Oct-05
the key elements of good typesetting.
Especially when they want to do something "difficult" ...
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
, the fact that
troff was capable of general-purpose document formatting
is what saved Unix from being dropped as a project, pre-1970!
Best wihes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The preferences stated above are mine. I don't expect others to
share them: they should be free -- and enabled -- to adopt their
own preferences. Likewise, so should I be (and anyone else who
happens to share mine).
Best wishes to all,
ain, I'm not particularly criticising groff.texinfo, which does
seem to be pretty good as far as I can judge it. It's more to do
with the general "access route" into info. I confess to having
the same sort of problem with GUI menus -- it requires remembering,
or groping for, a p
y trick would help much on that front (and in fact
setting it up was made easy by having the final form in front
of me; not so easy to do it "blind").
On the other hand, using simple groff macros for the font switches
doesn't cause me any problems at all .. I wonder why ...?
Best wishes
On 23-Oct-05 Zvezdan Petkovic wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 22, 2005 at 11:45:50PM +0100, Ted Harding wrote:
>> Well, if you're using vim ...
> I do.
>> First enter the following (in command mode) to define abbreviations:
>> :ab > [cut a lot
oks as though the binary may be called "AcroRd32" in Windows.
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 23-Oc
setting up a little stanza in PostScript
which would be invoked to draw the necessary item, though
making sure that it was placed at the roght point and at the
right angle would need careful watching.
I will try to invent one, but probably others will beat me
to it!
Best wishes,
#x27;0.5i'_in the middle of it.
.sp 1i
That was a line with a bar-chart.
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 28-Oct-05
On 28-Oct-05 Ted Harding wrote:
> [...]
> .LP
> \&
> .sp 1i
> This is a line with_\h'0.5i'\
> \*[wedge 36 1.0 0.0 0.0 000 045]\
> \*[wedge 36 0.5 0.5 0.0 045 100]\
> \*[wedge 36 0.0 1.0 0.0 100 170]\
> \*[wedge 36 0.0 0.5 0.5 170 250]\
> \*[wedg
\*[wedge 36 1.0 0.0 0.0 000 045]\
\*[wedge 36 0.5 0.5 0.0 045 100]\
\*[wedge 36 0.0 1.0 0.0 100 170]\
\*[wedge 36 0.0 0.5 0.5 170 250]\
\*[wedge 36 0.0 0.0 1.0 250 360]\
\h'0.5i'_in the middle of it.
.sp 1i
That was a line with a bar-chart.
.sp 1i
That was a line with a pie-chart.
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 28-Oct-05 Time: 17:04:29
-- XFMail
which just about sums it up ("Red" is the guy who gets to prepare
this stuff; and he's leaving for a better job soon ... ).
Of course, if you think the impact should be different, you can
In any case (as has become apparent to me following the discussion
on the ALUG wiki), there is a need for regular and frequent back-up
of the contents, so that things can be rolled back if necessary.
Just some thoughts ... I like the idea, but feel wary!
Best wishes to all,
scroll down (it's fairly near the top) to thread:
[ALUG] WiKi Status Enquiry Keith Watson
and follow it down.
I confess I am no sort of expert whatever on the technicalities
behind wikis, so eom of that material was over my head.
Best wishes to all,
therwise wouldn't do).
[code snipped]
Also very nice! (in both versions).
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 28-Oct-05 Time: 22:12:50
-- XFMail -
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 29-Oct-05 Time: 00:17:58
-- XFMail --
Bibliografische Verweiselen
you see it says that 'lbl' does "Subtitles/captions for tables
and figures" -- which is not quite right (see my earlier post)
but in the right area.
Best wishes,
27;3i-\\*[x0]'\D'P \
\\*[dx] -\\*[dy] \\*[dh] 0 \\*[dx] \\*[dy] \
-\\*[dx] \\*[dy] -\\*[dh] 0 -\\*[dx] -\\*[dy]''
for j = 1 to 10 do { i = 11-j
command ".ds gray " sprintf("%.0f", 1316 - sqrt(10*i))
command ".ds x0 " sprintf("%0.3fi",(0.5+cos(pi/3))*sqrt(4*i/10))
Please excuse this test which I need to carry out.
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 01-Nov-05 Time: 11
is clearly incorrect, so correct it with
k = 20
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 03-Nov-05
en need to be attached
together. For this, it's not ideal if each signature was
stapled. Any recommendations for (a) making the central
attachment for a signature instead of stapling; (b) binding
signatures together?
With thanks, and best wishes to all,
On 04-Nov-05 Bob Diertens wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 04, 2005 at 12:01:12AM -0000, Ted Harding wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I'd welcome views and contributions about the following.
>> It concerns making a "booklet" out of a PS document.
ier (though not quite bold), as confirmed in the
third test.
So that's the basics of doing it, but clearly you have to watch
out for detail depending on the environment.
Best wishes to all,
lution for this screen
> or will that work out automatically with the vga16 server
> /Mikkel
> /Mikkel
My best suggestion is that you should subscribe to a good Linux
list (if you are not already on one), and discuss your problem
in detail there.
Good luck!
> 2. If not, is there a different, quick-and-easy/dirty way
> to do it?
> Any opinions out there?>
Maybe see above ... ?
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding)
Row2 Col1#Row2 Col2#
The "\Z'...'" in \*[mypic] means that drawing the picture
will cause no displacement of the printing position from
the point where it was initiated, so should not mess up
And, in other contexts, you can use the same "\Z'.
o you can do similar, with whatever font you choose
as base, giving the result whatever name you like.
Hoping this helps,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 16-Nov-05
ode copied from Program 16 in the "PostScript Language
Tutorial and Cookbook" (so-called "blue book") from Adobe.
Well worth having by you, for little things like this.
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Hard
n the numerical values of the color components.
> In this case one could define a new color which is sometimes darker or
> more
> bright, or "more red" etc. This can be used to produce shaded colored
> boxes
> in pic.
> Hope I get help
> Regards
> Heinz
> Is the only way extending pic to accept strings in expressions, or at
> least
> in variable assignments?
> Regards
I have found out a way to do it -- essentially, you use the macro
mechanism, but the trick is to
21 35.50745.50
9 11.99107.91
27 46.25 1248.75
The reason that "| awk '
\X'ps: exec 0 0 0 setrgbcolor'
Hello1 Hello2 Hello3
so as to "hide" the LF, or as
\X'ps: exec 1 0 0 setrgbcolor'Hello2
\X'ps: exec 0 0 0 setrgbcolor'
Hello1 Hello2 Hello3
Hoping this helps with your real
g the functionality of the pre-processors within
the troff binary.
Nevertheless, I have to admit that this attitude may well be
a consequence of "youthful" experiences a long time ago, when
(as indeed now) this was the only way to do that sort of thing,
and once you have taken the trou
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 22-Feb-06 Time: 11:00:58
-- XFMail --
Groff mailing list
On 22-Feb-06 Ted Harding wrote:
> On 22-Feb-06 Ted Harding wrote:
>> It seems, looking at the headers of recent mails to
>> the list, that postings to the groff list are being
>> delayed at lists.gnu.org by 6-12 hours, typically
>> over 9 hours.
>> Is
\D'l \w'\[ci]'u/2u 0'''\h'\w'\[ci]'u'
\s[20]Male Symbol: MM\[MS]MM\s0
\s[20]Female Symbol: MM\[FS]MM\s0
(Using ms macrosm and enclosing the sy
On 22-Feb-06 Ted Harding wrote:
> It seems, looking at the headers of recent mails to
> the list, that postings to the groff list are being
> delayed at lists.gnu.org by 6-12 hours, typically
> over 9 hours.
> Is this (as I hope) a temporary phenomenon?
> Best wis
would be identical,
and may or may not be good.
d) If you want "perfect" results, then ideally, when defining
groff code for composite characters, you should define each
character individually and fine-tune the positioning. Whether
you need to do thi
module acc" ("accents and special
characters") in s.tmac, with a much extended ".AM" macro.
I would indeed recommend this code to people who need to create
composite characters which are not otherwise catered for.
Best wishes to all,
mply redefine 'mysp' whenever you like, without
redefining 'blm'. This is almost as compact as redefining
.blm sp 6
say, every time.
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMA
of where people think this
discussion is heading. And why.
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 10-Mar-06
need the skew of
the "under" glyph to compute this; and the skew of the "over"
glyph is (in most cases) not relevant.
Without this, "italic c circumflex", say, might not look too bad;
but "italic l circumflex" would look terrible.
Best wishes to all,
to the list of fonts in the
same line.
11. TEST IT!
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
.nr NN 0 1
.while \n+[NN]<255 \n[NN]\0\N'\n[NN]'\0\0
is one way.
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 13-Mar-06
On 13-Mar-06 Robert Marks wrote:
> Ted suggests adding the font to /font/devps/DESC (see below).
> What is the purpose of this?
> I haven't done it and things seem to work, but perhaps I'm missing
> something.
>>From: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
nd it, and reports as such.
I think the is correct in principle, though I'm not sure about
some of the implied detail.
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECT
dvatages with it.
Unless, of course, we can gain the same control over PDF
as we have over PS (see above).
Just my thoughts ...
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[E
On 21-Apr-06 Peter Schaffter wrote:
> Ted --
> On Fri, Apr 21, 2006, Ted Harding wrote:
>> I harbour fears that this proposed move towards PDF as the
>> standard indicates an impending domination of the capable
>> by the challenged.
> Is "domination of t
> to vote for your favourite.
Well, with 52 votes just now [3%], groff now weighs in at No 3
(after OpenOffice with 878 [53%] and TeX with 507 [31%]), if one
excludes "Other Commercial".
Best wishes to all,
find that both \(~=
and \(~~ map to PostScript "approxequal" which is your
"pair of tildes".
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
; (b) you can change the zoom
factor on the fly; (c) if you really want to see what's going
on at a particular place you can outline it with the mouse and
zoom it up.
Well, it's good that the problem got solved!
Best wishes,
evel of
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 09-May-06 Time: 14:08:49
-- XFMail --
omain, with a basically
> empty web page. Probably only the associated email address is really
> in use.
Try a ggogle search using
"groff family"
... there are more about than one might think!
tructure for Longhorn ... "
and it zeems likely that they are the same person -- and a "he"!
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 10-May-06 Time: 09:13:58
n%+1 is 2 (correct since this is page 1).
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 11-May-06 Time: 1
thing worth cherry-picking. :-)
Fascinating, Larry! There are some interesting things illustrated
in the PDFs on the site -- see e.g.
ed output
line (since the mechanism I describe above amounts to this,
but riding a mule to climb the mountain rather than taking the
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted
On 26-Jun-06 Peter Schaffter wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 26, 2006, Ted Harding wrote:
> [...]
>> Once again, I suspect that all this kind of thing could be
>> helped by pre-output access to the finally formatted output
>> line (since the mechanism I describe above amounts to this,
On 27-Jun-06 Peter Schaffter wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 26, 2006, Ted Harding wrote:
>> > FWIW, back in the Museum, even though galleys were set from
>> > what amounted to "source files", the workstations had a
>> > continuously updating "status line"
ry case, the 6 or so I have checked do
not resolve.
Hence, I wonder if this amouts to gnu.org acting as an open
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTE
> Any tips would be appreciated.
If you could give us a clearer picture of the table layout and of
the extent of excess, that might help to focus ideas.
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
are of the same thickness (it may be that this little
complication is the reason for rounding the ends of rules.
For polygons (filled or unfilled), normally '0 setlinejoin'.
This can produce unwanted results with sharp angles and thick
lines, but I can't otherwise think of a reason
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 13-Jul-06 Time: 20:23:07
-- XFMail --
On 13-Jul-06 Werner LEMBERG wrote:
> [about the contents of www.gnu.org]
>> I feel this should be changed!
> Please go forth and submit changes to the website maintainers!
> Werner
OK, will do!
t values of \n[PO] and \n[LL], you do (e.g.)
.po 3c \"instead of default 1i
.nr PO 3c \"or .nr PO \n[.o]
.ll 12c \"instead of default 6i
.nr LL \n[.l]
(I have never thought twice about this -- at least not for
a very long time -- since I got into the habit of it with
sqtroff back in 1
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 31-Jul-06
On 01-Aug-06 Keith MARSHALL wrote:
> Ted Harding wrote:
>> I recommend as a definitive example the instructions contained in
>> British Standard 6008 (BS 6008:1980, ISO 3103:1980): "Method for
>> Preparation of a liquor of tea ... ", of which a PDF copy
all that pften.
Meanwhile, I'm comforted that groff's behavious will prevent
me from getting unwanted hyphen breaks.
Best wishes to all,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EM
ridge technique, 298
score, 289-90
which I reckon would look better if both the range-break
and the filling were turned off, giving
canonical correlation analysis, 5,
contingency table, 290-3, 299
discriminant analysis, 320, 230
prediction, 289-90
ridge technique, 298
ember ever forgetting anything :)
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 11-Aug-06 Time: 09:33:56
-- XFMail --
e the name "t3" defined as the string fname,
the equivalent would be
.sy pic \*[fname] > \*[fname].temp
.so \*[fname].temp
.sy rm \*[fname].temp
which should work.
NB You must be running groff in "unsafe" mode for this, since
"safe" mode suppresses m
t go away, but it is only
one instance of a class of similar problems (see above).
And you suggestion is of course on the same lines as my
"mad idea" above.
> would this be a good idea
It could be ... !
> (apart from the someone_has_to_implement_it aspect)?
... b
Windows system which contain this
information, and you want to extract it from these file?
If the latter, what sort of files are these?
If you can clarify your question, someone may be able to help you!
Best wishes,
"suck it and see" for any specific
model of HP laserjet printer.
And I myself have no idea about extracting the font metrics
from a non-PostScript HP printer.
Best wishes,
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTE
ds are at exactly the same
vertical position, to within ocular resolution!
Any comments?
E-Mail: (Ted Harding) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Fax-to-email: +44 (0)870 094 0861
Date: 29-Aug-06
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