I want calculate the enthalpy of water molecule corresponding to protein
folded and unfolded state.
How much a single water molecule (enthalpy and free energy) contribute in
folding ?
Can we calculate enthapy from g_energy?
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
Thanks Vitaly
but how??
let's say the difference between unfolded to folded protein is 100 water
molecules. What is the correct procedure to calculate (theoretically) the
entrapy correspond to single water molecule for stabilizing/destabilizing
the protein.
help me
> Sure, you can.
> Dr.
Hi gmx users
I took a natural protein fold and unfolded with simulated annealing
molecular dynamics (SAMD). Now I have folded and unfolded structure. I
want to calculate statistically entropy difference of the two system.
Can we do with gromacs???
what is the correct protocol ??
Thanks Justin
> On 7/16/13 4:30 AM, pooja_gu...@nccs.res.in wrote:
>> Hi gmx users
>> I took a natural protein fold and unfolded with simulated annealing
>> molecular dynamics (SAMD). Now I have folded and unfolded structure. I
>> want to calculate statistically entropy difference of the two
Hi Justin
When i used g_anaeig option for the calulation, i choose system as an
option i got an error "Segmentation fault (core dumped)"
> On 7/16/13 4:30 AM, pooja_gu...@nccs.res.in wrote:
>> Hi gmx users
>> I took a natural protein fold and unfolded with simulated annealing
>> molecular d
thanks for reply
i am using Gromacs 4.5.5 version
g_anaeig -v *.trr -entropy -s *.tpr -extr -f *.pdb -rmsf -3d -comp
> On 7/17/13 7:28 AM, pooja_gu...@nccs.res.in wrote:
>> Hi Justin
>> When i used g_anaeig option for the calulation, i choose system as an
>> option i got an
I used system (0) for g-covar.
> On 7/17/13 7:42 AM, pooja_gu...@nccs.res.in wrote:
>> thanks for reply
>> i am using Gromacs 4.5.5 version
>> command
>> g_anaeig -v *.trr -entropy -s *.tpr -extr -f *.pdb -rmsf -3d -comp
> What was the g_covar command used to generate the eigenv
try trjconv to extract the structures
> You can do it by using simple shell scripting
> On Jul 17, 2013 12:58 AM, "Shine A" wrote:
>> Sir,
>> Using g_cluster I clustered snapshots in md trajectory using the
>> command as follows
>> g_cluster -s sd_7.tpr -f traj7.trr -dist r
This may be very basic question.
I took a natural pdb and unfold with SAMD. I ran simulation for 10ns. I
picked up one unfolded structure from the trj and solvated with water. I
ran em for full system. now i am calculating the entropy. I afraid if i
missed something.
I am doing this first tim
i took only single structure
> On 7/17/13 8:09 AM, pooja_gu...@nccs.res.in wrote:
>> okk
>> This may be very basic question.
>> I took a natural pdb and unfold with SAMD. I ran simulation for 10ns. I
>> picked up one unfolded structure from the trj and solvated with water. I
>> ran em for fu
thank justin
> On 7/17/13 8:19 AM, pooja_gu...@nccs.res.in wrote:
>> i took only single structure
> You can't calculate entropy from a single structure. Please investigate
> the
> literature.
> -Justin
>>> On 7/17/13 8:09 AM, pooja_gu...@nccs.res.in wrote:
I want to add water molecule in my structure. Do anyone have idea how to
add water molecules in protein structure. I little aware of python.
How the gromacs spc216 add the water molecule. Can i get the code for the
gmx-users mailing listgmx-users@gromacs.org
I am looking for code (python, C++), not gromacs command line.
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin/gmx-tutorials/lysozyme/03_solvate.html
> On Mon, Aug 12, 2013 at 4:09 PM, wrote:
>> Hi
>> I want to add water molecule in my structure. Do anyone have
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