RE: [gmx-users] Exclusions in topology file seem not working for big systems

2009-12-03 Thread Berk Hess
Hi, If you really had too many exclusions you would get an error message. So I just tested this. I used the couple_moltype option to couple a 389 atom protein. This generates exclusions between each protein atom and the 388 others. All interactions are excluded correctly (and re-added as special

[gmx-users] "coarse_grain.tcl" script does not show all of the coarse-grained bonds in vmd

2009-12-03 Thread Ozge Engin
Hi all, I was trying to show the bonds between my CG beads in VMD. I have four CG beads per each molecule, and there are 18 separate molecules which contain these four beads, which results in having 72 CG beads in total. Therefore, I expect to see 54 CG bonds in the end. I used the "coarse_gra

Re: [gmx-users] "coarse_grain.tcl" script does not show all of the coarse-grained bonds in vmd

2009-12-03 Thread Nicolas Sapay
Ozge Engin a écrit : Hi all, I was trying to show the bonds between my CG beads in VMD. I have four CG beads per each molecule, and there are 18 separate molecules which contain these four beads, which results in having 72 CG beads in total. Therefore, I expect to see 54 CG bonds in the

[gmx-users] spatial distribution function (SDF)

2009-12-03 Thread naimah haron naimah
Hai all... Did anyone know how to do spatial distribution functions??? I have 125 ion pairs in my system. The problem is, 1)how I can I get the 3-D probability distributions of anion around cation or cation around anion in my system? Could anybody tell me the method? 2)When I read the GROMACS

[gmx-users] Re: gmx-users Digest, Vol 68, Issue 21

2009-12-03 Thread Ozge Engin
_ > David van der Spoel, PhD, Professor of Biology > Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University. > Husargatan 3, Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden > phone: 46 18 471 4205fax: 46 18 511 > 755 >

[gmx-users] Protonation and solvation software

2009-12-03 Thread Lucio Ricardo Montero Valenzuela
What is the best software for protonating and for solvating pdb files for doing Molecular Dynamics with GROMACS?. Best regards. Lucio. Lucio Ricardo Montero Valenzuela Instituto de Biotecnologia, UNAM Departamento de Biologia Molecular de Plantas Av. Universidad 2001, Col. Chamilpa Cuer

[gmx-users] Re: amber force field in Gromacs

2009-12-03 Thread Alan
Dear Servaas, Tested again in 'vacuum' and I saw no problems. Here goes what I did: #-- cat << EOF >| verbosity 1 source leaprc.ff99SB ad = sequence { DA5 DA DA3 } saveamberparm ad da_amber.crd savepdb ad DA.pdb quit EOF tleap -f >| l

[gmx-users] Fatal error: No such moleculetype Na

2009-12-03 Thread vivek sharma
Hi All, I am trying to run the tutorial ""; for using ACPYPI generated topology with GROMACS. I am using amber99sb forcefield for one docked complex. It is running successfully upto genion and giving error while doing grompp for energy min

Re: [gmx-users] Fatal error: No such moleculetype Na

2009-12-03 Thread Justin A. Lemkul
vivek sharma wrote: Hi All, I am trying to run the tutorial ""; for using ACPYPI generated topology with GROMACS. I am using amber99sb forcefield for one docked complex. It is running successfully upto genion and giving error while d

Re: [gmx-users] Re:gmx-users Digest, Vol 67, Issue 150 (memory allocationerror)

2009-12-03 Thread Justin A. Lemkul
hema dhevi wrote: hai justin, ya its robust. and urs is the only tutorial which i found for transmembrane protein MD simulation in GROMACS. Its really useful. thank you. As you said i tried it in other system also there i used gromacs version 3.3.3. i am getting the same

Re: [gmx-users] Protonation and solvation software

2009-12-03 Thread Justin A. Lemkul
Lucio Ricardo Montero Valenzuela wrote: What is the best software for protonating and for solvating pdb files for doing Molecular Dynamics with GROMACS?. The Gromacs tools themselves - pdb2gmx allows you to select protonation states and add back any necessary hydrogen atoms when generating t

[gmx-users] Reducing Standard Error output

2009-12-03 Thread Jack Shultz
Our first run typically produces this output Getting Loaded... Reading file md.tpr, VERSION 4.0.5 (single precision) Loaded with Money starting mdrun 'Protein in water' 500 steps, 1.0 ps. step 0 step 100, remaining runtime:95 s Fraction complete: 0.2 step 200, remaining runtim

[gmx-users] g_densmap and xpm files

2009-12-03 Thread
Hi all. I have a question about xpm files produced by g_densmap. I would like, if possible, to extract information in numerical format, such as for example a single txt file with three columns 'x y density' for all the points on the grid chosen. These should be the information which are contained

[gmx-users] PBC screw

2009-12-03 Thread Eudes Fileti
Hello, grompp 4.0.5 gave me the following error message. ERROR: invalid enum 'full' for variable pbc, using 'xyz' Next time use one of: 'xyz' 'no' 'xy' 'screw' Could someone tell me what does the "screw" option? I cant find it into paper and online manual, as well as at the gmx-list. bests eef _

R: [gmx-users] g_densmap and xpm files

2009-12-03 Thread
In my previous e-mail I was not clear enough... extracting x and y values from xpm is easy and it is also easy to extract the density informations since they are represented by letters and for each of them a corresponding value of the number density is given at the beginning of the file. In my f

[gmx-users] spatial distribution function (SDF)

2009-12-03 Thread chris . neale
g_spatial -h -or- g_sdf -h -- original message -- ai all... Did anyone know how to do spatial distribution functions??? I have 125 ion pairs in my system. The problem is, 1)how I can I get the 3-D probability distributions of anion around cation or cation around anion in my system? Co

[gmx-users] Heat of vaporization in gromacs

2009-12-03 Thread Vitaly V. Chaban
Hi, Please let me know which of the gromacs utilities is responsible for heat of vaporization calculation. Thanks in advance, Vitaly -- gmx-users mailing Please search the archive at b

Re: [gmx-users] Heat of vaporization in gromacs

2009-12-03 Thread David van der Spoel
Vitaly V. Chaban wrote: Hi, Please let me know which of the gromacs utilities is responsible for heat of vaporization calculation. Thanks in advance, Vitaly g_energy and you. you need liquid and gas phase simulations. -- David van der Spoel, Ph.D., Professor of Biology Molec. Biophys. group,

Re: [gmx-users] Reducing Standard Error output

2009-12-03 Thread Tsjerk Wassenaar
Hi Jack, The option -v is for verbose output. The LINCS warnings may indicate an issue regarding the stability of your system. They usually precede crashes. Maybe you need to equilibrate a bit further. Hope it helps, Tsjerk On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Jack Shultz wrote: > Our first run ty

Re: [gmx-users] Reducing Standard Error output

2009-12-03 Thread Jack Shultz
Thanks, I just figured out removing the -v will reduce output. Interestingly I only have this problem with 64-bit Windows hosts. I have not observed it in any others and I have a fairly diverse environment on this project. For now I can say removing the -v gets the app to finish the run. Jack On

[gmx-users] What is the exact difference in the g_energy output between LJ(1-4) LJ(SR) and LJ(LR)?

2009-12-03 Thread ms
Hi, As per the title. I need to understand what is the difference to help myself debug my inane efforts at CG parametrization. LJ(1-4) I think is clear (non bonded, non-coulombic interactions between 1-4 pairs described in the topology), but about the rest? thanks! m. -- gmx-users mailing list

Re: [gmx-users] Exclusions in topology file seem not working for big systems

2009-12-03 Thread Reza Salari
Thanks Dr Hess. I didn't get an error message when using grompp, then I think I didn't have too many exclusions. I didn't know about using couple_type in this context before. If I get it correctly, if I want to exclude all non-bonding interactions inside a protein using couple_type, I must def

RE: [gmx-users] Exclusions in topology file seem not working for big systems

2009-12-03 Thread Berk Hess
Hi, I think that for your problem the couple option is not useful. It does exactly the opposite. I removes all interactions of the selected molecule type with the rest of the system and transform all interactions within the molecule by "vacuum" non-cutoff LJ and Coulomb interactions. (which end

[gmx-users] LIE method

2009-12-03 Thread Tatiana de Arruda Campos Brasil de Souza
Dear users, I want to estimate the affinity of a protein to two diferent ligands and compare the results. Is the LIE the best method to do that? Does any one have a reference that this kind of analysis is performed or an example of mdp? Best regards, Tatiana -- gmx-users mailing listg

Re: [gmx-users] Exclusions in topology file seem not working for big systems

2009-12-03 Thread Reza Salari
Thank you very much Dr Hess. Then I guess I have to test my rerun workaround that I mentioned for my system. About 1-4 interactions in general, could you a little bit about 1-4 energies while using exclusions please? I hope I am not missing something obvious. The main thing that I am not sure

[gmx-users] topology and rtp file

2009-12-03 Thread irene farabella
Hello Gmx Usrs, I am new to Gromacs. I am trying to simulate a protein-membrane complex using  berger-oplsaa combination . I have created a topology file for the protein using pdb2gmx in order to then build up the topology for my system using the include file mechanism. After that I tried to use m

Re: [gmx-users] topology and rtp file

2009-12-03 Thread Justin A. Lemkul
irene farabella wrote: Hello Gmx Usrs, I am new to Gromacs. I am trying to simulate a protein-membrane complex using berger-oplsaa combination . I have created a topology Have you properly modified the Berger parameters for use with OPLS-AA? Otherwise, the results you will get will be nons

[gmx-users] helix tilt

2009-12-03 Thread Stefan Hoorman
How can I calculate the angle between a helix inserted in a membrane and the axis perpendicular to the surface of the membrane. I have tried using g_helixorient, but the graphs all come as a straight line in zero. Thank you -- gmx-users mailing http://lists.gromacs.or

[gmx-users] 1-4 interaction energies in g_energy

2009-12-03 Thread Vitaly V. Chaban
Hi, Please suggest why is the reason that 1-4 term is not displayed (to be selected for calculation) in the g_energy utility? I have two kinds of objects (with 25 and 5 atoms) in my system - with "nexcl" equal to 3 and 2. I guess the 1-4 term may not be displayed if there is no 1-4 interactions bu

Re: [gmx-users] PBC screw

2009-12-03 Thread Oliver Stueker
Hi, please someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the equivalent of Gromacs 3.3.x : pbc = full is pbc = xyz periodic_molecules = yes since Gromacs 4.0. Oliver On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 08:22, Eudes Fileti wrote: > Hello, > grompp 4.0.5 g

[gmx-users] looking for polar lipid pdb

2009-12-03 Thread Francesco Pietra
Grateful for receiving DOPC.pdb file thanks francesco pietra -- gmx-users mailing Please search the archive at before posting! Please don't post (un)subscribe requests to the list. Use t

Re: [gmx-users] looking for polar lipid pdb

2009-12-03 Thread Justin A. Lemkul -Justin Francesco Pietra wrote: Grateful for receiving DOPC.pdb file thanks francesco pietra -- Justin A. Lemkul Ph.D. Candidate ICTAS Doctoral Scholar MILES-IGERT Trainee Department of Biochemistry Virgini

Re: [gmx-users] Pressure annealing in Gromacs?

2009-12-03 Thread Mark Abraham
Jussi Lehtola wrote: On Thu, 2009-12-03 at 02:30 +1100, Mark Abraham wrote: Jussi Lehtola wrote: I'm experiencing trouble converging the density of some heavy liquid alcohols (after 10 ns of simulation the density is still changing linearly). Is there any way to run pressure annealing in Gromac

Re: [gmx-users] helix tilt

2009-12-03 Thread Mark Abraham
Stefan Hoorman wrote: How can I calculate the angle between a helix inserted in a membrane and the axis perpendicular to the surface of the membrane. I have tried using g_helixorient, but the graphs all come as a straight line in zero. See -z in g_sgangle -h Mark -- gmx-users mailing list

Re: [gmx-users] What is the exact difference in the g_energy output between LJ(1-4) LJ(SR) and LJ(LR)?

2009-12-03 Thread Mark Abraham
ms wrote: Hi, As per the title. I need to understand what is the difference to help myself debug my inane efforts at CG parametrization. LJ(1-4) I think is clear (non bonded, non-coulombic interactions between 1-4 pairs described in the topology), but about the rest? See manual 4.6.3 Mark --

Re: [gmx-users] Reducing Standard Error output

2009-12-03 Thread Mark Abraham
Jack Shultz wrote: Thanks, I just figured out removing the -v will reduce output. Interestingly I only have this problem with 64-bit Windows hosts. I have not observed it in any others and I have a fairly diverse environment on this project. For now I can say removing the -v gets the app to fini

Re: [gmx-users] 1-4 interaction energies in g_energy

2009-12-03 Thread Mark Abraham
Vitaly V. Chaban wrote: Hi, Please suggest why is the reason that 1-4 term is not displayed (to be selected for calculation) in the g_energy utility? I have two kinds of objects (with 25 and 5 atoms) in my system - with "nexcl" equal to 3 and 2. I guess the 1-4 term may not be displayed if there

Re: [gmx-users] Fatal error: No such moleculetype Na

2009-12-03 Thread Mark Abraham
vivek sharma wrote: Hi All, I am trying to run the tutorial ""; for using ACPYPI generated topology with GROMACS. I am using amber99sb forcefield for one docked complex. It is running successfully upto genion and giving error while doi

RE: [gmx-users] spatial distribution function (SDF)

2009-12-03 Thread Dallas B. Warren
First three groups are the reference group, from which the SDF is generated, it sets the coordinate system. That means you need to have at least three "atoms" in the "molecule" you are generating the SDF from. Catch ya, Dr Dallas Warren Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Monash University A

Re: [gmx-users] What is the exact difference in the g_energy output between LJ(1-4) LJ(SR) and LJ(LR)?

2009-12-03 Thread ms
Mark Abraham ha scritto: > ms wrote: >> Hi, >> >> As per the title. I need to understand what is the difference to help >> myself debug my inane efforts at CG parametrization. LJ(1-4) I think is >> clear (non bonded, non-coulombic interactions between 1-4 pairs >> described in the topology), but ab

Re: [gmx-users] Reducing Standard Error output

2009-12-03 Thread Jack Shultz
yes the environment I was running in was the boinc wrapper and its supposed to somehow return the standard error output. It probably got overloaded. It is curious why I only had the problem on windows 64 but I'm not going to worry about it. On Thu, Dec 3, 2009 at 6:33 PM, Mark Abraham wrote: > Ja

Re: [gmx-users] What is the exact difference in the g_energy output between LJ(1-4) LJ(SR) and LJ(LR)?

2009-12-03 Thread Justin A. Lemkul
ms wrote: Mark Abraham ha scritto: ms wrote: Hi, As per the title. I need to understand what is the difference to help myself debug my inane efforts at CG parametrization. LJ(1-4) I think is clear (non bonded, non-coulombic interactions between 1-4 pairs described in the topology), but about

[gmx-users] Radial distribution specifications

2009-12-03 Thread Lum Nforbi
Dear all, I need to plot the radial distribution functions but I am not sure how you specified the different radial pair distribution functions for H2O: gOO, gOH and gHH, in order to have different plots. Please, can you help me out with this? Thank you, Lum -- gmx-users mailing listgmx-use

Re: [gmx-users] Radial distribution specifications

2009-12-03 Thread Justin A. Lemkul
Lum Nforbi wrote: Dear all, I need to plot the radial distribution functions but I am not sure how you specified the different radial pair distribution functions for H2O: gOO, gOH and gHH, in order to have different plots. Please, can you help me out with this? Use index groups that cont

[gmx-users] Re: 1-4 interaction energies in g_energy

2009-12-03 Thread Vitaly V. Chaban
>> Hi, >> >> Please suggest why is the reason that 1-4 term is not displayed (to be >> selected for calculation) in the g_energy utility? I have two kinds of >> objects (with 25 and 5 atoms) in my system - with "nexcl" equal to 3 >> and 2. I guess the 1-4 term may not be displayed if there is no 1-