>> in the SDCC manual I read "SDCC supports the use of binary constants,
>> such as 0b01100010. This feature is only enabled when the compiler is
>> invoked using ???std-sdccxx"
>> However, calling SDCC for stm8 with ???std-sdccxx fails with "syntax
>> error" for the literal and a warning that "option '-s' no longer
>> supported". And caliing it with -???std-sdccxx gives the same syntax error
>> and a warning "unknown compiler option '--std-sdccxx' ignored".
>> Does this mean that binary literals are not yet implemented for STM8...?
>> If they are, please let me know how to use them.
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Regards, Georg
> Hello Georg,
> You are kindly requested to replace the XX in --std-sdccXX with the year
> of the C standard you wish to use. E.g. --std-sdcc99.
> Further you seem to use different dashes before std.
> Maarten

hello Maarten,

thanks a lot for your help - how stupid of me not to see that! However 
my problem was that sdcc was called with both "--std-sdcc99" and 
"--std-c99" (in that order). Removing the latter did the job :-)


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