On 29.12.2016 23:16, Maarten Brock wrote:
> These values get you a 453 baudrate:
> 24.5MHz / 8 / (256-45) / 32 = 453
> 300 baud is really low and impossible to achieve with T1 in 8-bit
> autoreload. Most USB-UARTs even have this as their lower level limit.

The 43 in the posted example was wrong. But the timer uses a prescaled
sysclk giving another division by 12, thus I can do:

24.5 * 1000000 / 8 / 12 / (256-229) / 32 = 295.38

when running at 3.0625 Mhz and

24.5 * 1000000 / 12 / (256-43) / 32 = 299.54

when running at 24.5 Mhz. The former didn't work for me (it is off from
300 by 1.54%), but the latter did (off from 300 by 0.15%).


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