>>I've loocked at this file (as I mentioned earlier). Some moments push me
>> to ask questions. There are parameters like
>  >
>>notSame(%2 'push' 'pop'),
>>notSame(%1 'xl' 'xh' 'yl' 'yh'),
>>immdInRange(0 255 '+' %1 %2 %9),
>>and many others. i can look at examples and make my own like a monkey,
>> but it's not best pra>ctice.
>>Tried too lokk at sources of sdcc, but my sw skill isn't enough to
>> understand code.
>>And second. Some params of peep riules are numbered in series like %1,
>> %2, %3 etc,
>>and some like %1, %5, %9. Why is it so?
> What I found useful is to examine line ~1409 in
> https://sourceforge.net/p/sdcc/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/sdcc/src/SDCCpeeph.c#l1409
> (static const struct ftab).  This structure defines all the conditions
> that can be placed on peephole rules.  Their implementation is just above
> that structure.  This is what I wish I had known about when I first
> started making my own peephole rules.
> You can use the existing peephole set for examples of how to use these
> qualifiers.
> The %n are text strings.  Inside the peephole rules they represent strings
> found in the source code.  The numbers are only identifiers and are not
> important.
> The description of peepholer posted by R0b0t1 describes simple peepholers.
>  Sdcc's is a little more sophisticated.

Would you be willing to write this up for others to find while discovering
for yourself? Our wiki could be a good place for that and I could give you
access. Or you could send it as a patch for the manual.


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