Sorry don't have time to look at this,
but on this page you find my project
complete with Makefile that
should compile out of the box with SDCC
so if you look at the Makefile it might help you.

Below is the relevant part from that Makefile.

cheers Kusti

# The source files that make up the project go here 
SRCS =  main.c usbcdc.c printft.c
# The libraries that are used go here
LIBS =  libc18f.lib libio18f4550.lib libm18f.lib libsdcc.lib 

# Where to find the compiler
SDCC = /Users/nyholku/sdcc-3.2.0/bin/sdcc

# Compiler flags go here
SDCCFLAGS = -V -L /Users/nyholku/sdcc-3.2.0/share/sdcc/non-free/lib/pic16 
-Wl,-m,-s18f4550.lkr -mpic16 -p18f4550 --disable-warning 85 --std-sdcc99 
--obanksel=3 --use-non-free

# Where to store the target/intermediate/temporary/object files
OBJDIR = ../obj

# Compile the C-files
$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c $$(@D)/.f  
        $(SDCC) -c $(SDCCFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Link the compiled files and libraries    
$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET): $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(SRCS:.c=.o)) 
        $(SDCC) $(SDCCFLAGS) -o $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET) $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, 
$(SRCS:.c=.o)) $(LIBS)


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