On 09-10-2016 20:46, Maarten Brock wrote:
>> On 09-10-2016 17:00, Philipp Klaus Krause wrote:
>>> On 05.10.2016 14:11, Márton Miklós wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> I am looking for an option/command for displaying the memory usage
>>>> statistic for the STM8 target.
>>>> I have seen on many places that a *.mem file is generated, but in my
>>>> case it is not generated.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Miklos
>>> How about the .map file?
>>> Philipp
>> OP states that the .map file is not generated....
>> /Erlo
> The .mem file and the .map file are two different things.
> The .mem file is normally only generated for mcs51-like targets. You can
> get it with the -M flag to the linker (-Wl,-M to sdcc).
> Maarten
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My bad - did not read the message correctly. Apologies.


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