Why Piklab and no Mplabx with SDCC support?

Dňa 14.09.2016 o 07:18 Leonardo napísal(a):
> Hello all,
> i'm facing a problem using sdcc + piklab here.
> currently it compiles my hello world quite well, however the link step
> (from .o file to .hex) seems problematic.
> the commands created by piklab to compile and link follows:
> sdcc --use-non-free -mpic16 -p18f4550 -V --debug
> -I/home/sombriks/Documentos/samplepic/ -c main.c
> sdcc --use-non-free -mpic16 -p18f4550 -V --debug -Wl-c -Wl-m
> -I/home/sombriks/Documentos/samplepic/ -oteste.hex main.o
> the compile phase seems to work well, however the second command tries
> to find a file called libdev18f4550.lib and then fails.
> searching the sdcc installation i've found a .lib file with similar
> name, but i'm not sure if it's the same thing the linker is looking for:
> */usr/share/sdcc//lib/pic16/libio18f4550.lib*
Two times backslash?
> any guidance is welcome.
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