On 28.08.2016 12:11, Maarten Brock wrote:
>> On 28.08.2016 10:48, Philipp Klaus Krause wrote:
>>> I have some trouble understanding the C8051 clock and timers.
>>> In the tutorial code at
>>> http://www.colecovision.eu/mcs51/C8051F340%20380%20LED.shtml I get a
>>> timer interrupt at 1000 Hz. But I got the values for configuring the
>>> timer experimentally, and can't seem to get them from the datasheet.
>>> According to the datsheet, at startup the internal oscillator is running
>>> at 24.5 Mhz (OSCICL reset value), then gets divided by 128 (OSCICN reset
>>> value) and then used for SYSCLK (CLKSEL rest value).
>>> Thus SYSCLK is 24.5 Mhz / 128 about 0.1914 Mhz.
>>> In the timer, this then gets divided by 12 (CKCON reset value) adn then
>>> sued as the frequency for incrementing the timer (TMOD value as in the
>>> tutorial code).
>>> Thus the timer increment frequency is 24.5 Mhz / 128 / 12 about 0.0159
>>> Mhz.
>>> The tutorial code ssets the timer register to (65536 - 125) in the
>>> interrupt handler.
>>> Thus the timer interrupt frequency is 24.5 Mhz / 128 / 12 / 125 about
>>> 127 Hz.
>>> So from the datasheet I get 127 Hz. But on the hardware I see 1000 Hz.
>>> Philipp
>> P.S.: I have verified that the OSCICN, CLKSEL and CKCON reset values are
>> as in the datasheet. Initializing these registers explicitly to their
>> reset value does not change anything.
> First of all which MCU are you using exactly? The C8051F340 as in the URL
> name does not run the internal RC oscillator at 24.5MHz but runs at 12MHz.
> And the default OSCICN value makes SYSCLK=HFRCO/8. Next there is a 4x
> clock multiplier which if off after reset (CLKMUL). And CLKSEL can choose
> this multiplied clock /2 or /1.
> Maarten

For some reason, I was looking at the C8051F410 data sheet instead of
the C8051F340. Sorry for the noise.


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