>>Basically, I just want to put some Dhrystone, Whetstone or Coremark onto
them, and see the output on an
 I am currently working on FX2, so if you want me to use it , I can upload
the code and give you the results. There is no UART, so right now I bitbang
it. This the the UART code which is used to bitbang stuff

On Sun, Jul 10, 2016 at 10:25 PM, Philipp Klaus Krause <p...@spth.de> wrote:

> On 09.07.2016 09:25, Maarten Brock wrote:
> >> On 07.07.2016 05:42, Sab V wrote:
> >>> This may not meet all your requirements, but you should look at the FX2
> >>> from cypress.
> >>
> >> FX2LP looks good: 16 KB shared data/code RAM. Free fxload tool (even
> >> already in Debian GNU/Linux). Cheap (approx. 10 € dev boards). AMD
> >> 80C521-like dual dptr.
> >>
> >> Philipp
> >
> > Yes, just no debugger. And the Cypress devkit is pretty expensive (~500
> €).
> > I have some experience with using the FX2 with SDCC and libusb.
> >
> > Maarten
> Basically, I just want to put some Dhrystone, Whetstone or Coremark onto
> them, and see the output on an UART. Like I did for STM8. I didn't have
> a debugger there either.
> That should also give some numbers on the speed impact of dual-dptr
> support.
> Philipp
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