On Fri, 30 Jan 2015, Georg Icking-Konert wrote:

hello all,
thanks a lot for your feedback! As for your mails see my comments below

You forgot the option to modify SDCC so it accepts the __interrupt keyword
either before or after the function :)

weeeellll I figured that is not really an option - is it???

I did try this earlier in the week, but it leads to a number of ambiguities in the grammar. The main problem seems to be that a function can return a function pointer, so if the interrupt keyword can be either before or after the function name/parameters it's unclear whether the interrupt should be applied to the returned function pointer or the function itself. Of course semantically it makes no sense for an interrupt function to have any return type but void, but it is not easy to resolve this as the parsing stage.

sorry I probably haven’t made myself clear. The macro INTERRUPT_HANDLER you mention is used for the implementation and works just fine with SDCC. I was referring to the macro INTERRUPT (a few lines below) which is only used for declaration in the ISR header file (see stm8s_it.h). Maybe in the end I have to do the same as for Raisonance, which simply skips the declaration: not nice but works

Okay, I see what you are talking about now. I don't think the declaration of the functions as interrupt handlers without specifying a vector number in the ISR header file would do anything useful for SDCC. Following the same path as for Raisonance seems the most compatible with SDCC's existing grammar and interrupt function expectations.

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