
Before, I was able to do inline assembler like this,

void SerialPutString(unsigned char *p)
   call __SerialPutString

and the compiler would insert code like this.

                             297 ; ---------------------------------
                             298 ; Function SerialPutString
                             299 ; ---------------------------------
    00BE                     300 _SerialPutString_start::
    00BE                     301 _SerialPutString:
    00BE DD E5               302     push    ix
    00C0 DD 21 00 00         303     ld    ix,#0
    00C4 DD 39               304     add    ix,sp
                             305 ;serial.c:144: ;
    00C6 CD 2D 09            306     call    0x092D
    00C9                     307 00101$:
    00C9 DD E1               308     pop    ix
    00CB C9                  309     ret
    00CC                     310 _SerialPutString_end::

Now, the push ix/ld ix,#0/add ix,sp/pop ix instructions aren't added 

Is there a compiling/linking option that I forgot?


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