On Mon, 18 Feb 2013, Daniel Michalik wrote:

> When comparing the asm outputs I see that the first example does not call
> ___fs2uint, why does it not need to do this to cast the value of x?

> void main(void) {
>       float x = 6116.0;
>       debug = x;
>       //debug is 6116.
> }

> unsigned int debug = 1234;
> float julianday = 6116.0;
> void main(void) {
>       float x = 6116.0;
>       debug = julianday;
>       // expect 6116, obtain a vastly different (arbitrary?) number
> }

I can't answer most of your questions because I do use pic and so I am not 
very familiar with that part of SDCC. However, I can answer why SDCC does 
not need to call __fs2uint in the first example. SDCC's optimizations are 
all at the function level. It can see that x is assigned the float value 
6116.0 and then debug is assigned a value from x. It sees that there are 
no intervening instructions that could modify x's value, therefor debug is 
assigned the value 6116.0 cast to unsigned int. This cast is being applied 
to a known constant, so the compiler performs this cast during compilation 
to avoid the overhead of calling __fs2uint during run-time.

This does not happen in the second example because julianday is assigned 
the value 6116.0 outside of the function. When optimizing the function, 
the compiler only considers the code within the function and so does not 
assume any variable still has its globally initialized value. Since the 
compiler is not certain of the value of julianday, it cannot compute the 
cast at compile-time and so inserts a call to __fs2uint to perform the 
cast at run-time.

Give this version a try:

  void main(void) {
        volatile float x = 6116.0;
        debug = x;
        //debug is 6116.

The "volatile" keyword should disable most optimizion related to the 
variable x and force the cast to be performed at run-time. If this leaves 
the correct value in debug, the problem is with initialization of global 
variables. However, if this also fails, then there is likely a problem 
with the function implementing the run-time cast.


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