
> Maybe I could help you with implementation of eeprom reads and writes. I
> could start with device/lib/pic16/libsdcc/gptr/*.c which I think that I
> understand, and send the patch to you so you can check if it's ok. I don't
> know what to do in src/pic16/gen.c, though.

Don't bother -- I already hacked gptrget[1234].c to support EEPROM
reads; EEPROM writes are similar.
I just need to cheat a bit so that either all devices have a (fake)
EEADRH register or I need to provide two sets of gptr*.c (one without
EEADRH and one with EEADRH) and select the correct one by magic.

> After reading the code in the repository, I think that code memory reads via
> pointers are implemented but code memory writes are not, right?

That's right. EEPROM, however, will see full read/write support.
Wouldn't make much sense without write support, would it ;-).

I'll report back once something EEPROM-related might actually work.


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