Am 23.09.2011 21:04, schrieb Maarten Brock:
>> Am 23.09.2011 19:03, schrieb Raphael Neider:
>>> We had discussed this problem when it was implemented and did not
>>> find *the* ideal solution back then. Not sure if we can find one now
>>> :-(
>> Where can I find this discussion? Not doing the argument promotions
>> (i.e. float to double, small thing like unsigned char to int, big things
>> to long) required by the standard looks like a bug to me.
> I'm not sure where the discussion was held, though 
> probably on the developer mailing list.
> Of course there is no "ideal" solution. But if you don't 
> want this behaviour then do not use the SDCC extensions 
> and use --std-c99 or --std-c89 instead. The extension is 
> useful for "small devices" which are the exact target of 

Ah, if standard behaviour is enabled by using --std-c99 / --std-c89 it's
Nevertheless, IMO breaking standard-compliance to save a few bytes or
cycles is not worth it. There's so much untapped potential for
optimization and cases where sdcc generates horrible code; there's much
more to be gained by improvements that don't break standard-compliance.


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