
> I'm compiling stuff for the Wiznet W7100 8051 varient and hit the 
> dreaded "can't allocate DSEG" error. A search through the forum indicates 
> that --stack-auto and/or large model may fix this. Large model alone didn't
> seem to so I rebuilt from source (vi Cygwin) from a recent snap and modified
> the makefile (probably incorrectly by hand, is there a more proper way via 
> a build option?) to create all the -stack-auto librarys apparantly correctly.

It was not meant as first try --model-large and if 
that's not enough than put --stack-auto on top of it. It 
means try either --model-large or --stack-auto and if 
both don't work you might go for the combination. And 
the small-stack-auto library is in the installer.

But the better solution is to find a few bigger 
variables in data/idata that can be moved to 
idata/pdata/xdata and stick to --model-small.

>    Compiling like this:
> /usr/local/bin//sdcc -c wiz.c --model-large --stack-auto --funsigned-char
> wiz.c:89: error 16: variable 'tmpEA' must be static to have storage class in 
> ree
> ntrant function
> gets lots of these error messages here (I'm converting from Keil):
>   volatile unsigned char xdata tmpEA;
> this is fixable by adding a static as it requests:
>   static volatile unsigned char xdata tmpEA;
> or by
>   volatile unsigned char tmpEA;

What was the memory model you used with Keil? It looks 
like it was not written for any reentrant model. I guess 
it will fail with Keil too when you choose a reentrant 

> but the code which works when compiled like this (for this smaller case than
> the original failure):
> "/cygdrive/c/program files/sdcc"/bin/sdcc -c wiz.c --model-medium 
> --funsigned-ch
> ar
>       Doesn't actually run any more (a network connection is refused by the
> stack-auto compiled code). I'm just about to add printf statements to try and
> figure out whats wrong (and therefore a fix) but thought I'd inquire in case
> I'm just missing some needed step in this process.
> Peter Van Epp


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