
I am using SDCC (small device c compiler)on Linux to compile a C code for the 
8051 core to execute.. The VHDL source code I use for the Core is available 
free from Oregano Systems.

On Linux I do, 

sddc test.c(compiling the code , this gives me .ihx file)

and then 

packihx test.ihx > test.hex (This gives me a hex file).

Can anyone help me to know what is the next step?

Where do I keep this .hex file for the CPU to execute the binary.?

The CORE I downloaded has 3 memories in it(RAM,RAMX,ROM)

Has anybody tried it in his/her project?

I tried to copy the .hex file into the rom.dua(ROM) file for Oregano design but 
it does not seem to work.

Since , I use pure VHDL design, there is no serial port /parallel port 
concept(I use no kit)

For your reference , I am attaching test.c, test.hex files along with the mail.

In short, my question is -

Where do I keep my compiled hex file for the CPU to execute it(the binary)?



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