
according to SDCC manual .mem and .map are automatically genereated,
and indeed I recall them being generated when I was working with HC08.

But now I have a multifile PIC project and I cannot see the.map nor
files anywhere. And I can't find a relevant command line option to
them on either.

I link/compile (plus -c)  with the following parameters:

-mpic16 -p18f4550 --disable-warning 85 --std-sdcc99 

Don't know if it makes a difference but I generate the
object files and final output into a separate object directory.

The relevant parts of my Makefile are:

TARGET = main.hex
SRCS =  stepper.c main.c 
LIBS =  libc18f.lib libio18f4550.lib libm18f.lib libsdcc.lib 
SDCC = /usr/local/bin/sdcc
SDCCFLAGS = -mpic16 -p18f4550 --disable-warning 85 --std-sdcc99 
OBJDIR = ../obj

$(OBJDIR)/%.o: %.c $$(@D)/.f  
        $(SDCC) -c $(SDCCFLAGS) $< -o $@
$(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET): $(addprefix $(OBJDIR)/, $(SRCS:.c=.o)) 
        $(SDCC) $(SDCCFLAGS) -o $(OBJDIR)/$(TARGET) $(addprefix
$(OBJDIR)/, $(SRCS:.c=.o)) $(LIBS)

I'm confused!

br Kust

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