Hi everybody,

I've been following this thread for a while and thought I'd just chime in
with some little tidbits I found while looking for a how-to guide.

There appears to be a plug-in developed specifically for using SDCC with the
Eclipse IDE, I can't vouch for its quality as I've never used it but here's
its sourceforge URL:

I also found this how-to install guide on the University of Colorado's
website, again, I can't vouch for its correctness.

I've never used these components and the SDCC plug-in hasn't been updated in
a few years but maybe this plug in is something to look into to make getting
started a little easier?

Eg.     1.      Install SDCC
        2.      Install Eclipse
        3.      Install CDT
        4.      Install the SDCC plug-in

Just a few thoughts to keep the discussion running.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard Gray
Sent: Sunday, 31 August 2008 6:37 a.m.
To: sdcc-user@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Sdcc-user] Quickstart document

stdout (stdin and stderr) are an integral part of stdio.h, so it's as much a

C-ism as a Unix-ism.

I don't know how the Windows environment would cope with this, but under
file-descriptor 0 is stdin, descriptor 1 is stdout, and 2 is stderr, and 
these are automatically opened before the execution of main() if one
stdio.h. I should stress that I'm talking about PC-type processors now, 
rather than the SDCC device set - the underlying assumptions about the 
operating system don't exist for small devices, so stdio.h and its 
accompanying libraries would probably not be meaningful for a PIC or a Z80

In Unix, suppose one were running a program called 'blinkey' - a nice
people seem to use...

shell$ blinkey | more

This would pipe the stdout from 'blinkey' through to stdin of 'more'.
blinkey wrote to stderr would appear on the screen, but if this was too much

to cope with one could do this...

shell$ blinkey 2> errors.txt

The above means to redirect file descriptor 2 (stderr) to the errors.txt

Similarly, the standard input can be pulled from a file, like this...

shell$ blinkey < blinkey_input.txt

And then one can get smart and combine these to do all kinds of crazy

I *believe* Windows/DOS can do the standard input and output bits in similar

fashion, but I have never had occasion to try it - I'm a dyed-in-the-wool 
Unix (Linux) nerd, you might gather. I don't know how Windows copes with 
descriptor 2 (stderr) if at all.

On Saturday 30 August 2008 17:41:38 Richard Erlacher wrote:
> Well, that's exactly the mechanism I mentioned ... I'm not surprised it
> a name ... but -stdout ... ???  That sounds like *nix.
> regards,
> Richard Erlacher
> ----- Original Message -----

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