I don't know the answer to your question, but I think I see a
problem with the Makefile.

Try replacing this line

   $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $? 

With this:

   $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^

The $? variable gives you "the names of all the prerequisites that
are newer than the target," but you don't want a partial list of
object files when you link.  You always need them all.

BTW, I haven't worked with PICs in a while, but I seem to recall
that I couldn't compile individual modules and link them together.
I had to #include the C files and compile one big module because
of the odd, language-unfriendly architecture.  Has this changed?

-Ken Jackson

David Henningsson writes: > I'm trying to link my program (using
sdcc windows snapshot from > yesterday), using this command:
 > sdcc -mpic14 -p16f877  main.o sci.o lcd.o delay.o buttons.o trital.o
 > And I receive this error:
 > error: linker script not specified
 > Any clues? Here's the entire makefile:
 > ----------
 > CC = sdcc
 > CFLAGS = -mpic14 -p16f877 
 > all: main.o sci.o lcd.o delay.o buttons.o trital.o 
 >   $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $? 
 > clean: 
 >   del *.o
 > .c.o:
 >   $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
 > ---------

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