Follow-up Comment #1, bug #66145 (group screen):

[comment #0 original submission:]
> Diffing 4.9.1 against 5.0.0 in git, it looks like there are at least some
documentation fixes that were in 4.9 but not 5.0 - e.g. c5d53d6 "[PATCH] fix
typing errors" and 3fd3f965 "COPYNG: http => https update".
Yes, it could have happened.

I can't find the first commit. Can you add the link please?
Second commit... it's "https" in screen-v5.

> It might be a good idea to compare the two branches and check whether there
were any other 4.9 fixes that need cherry-picking back to 5.0.

It would be great if you can check it and add links to these commits. I will
add these to the new branch.


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