URL: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?66036>
Summary: Y2038 problem (support for systemd & systemd-less systems) Group: GNU Screen Submitter: anaumov Submitted: Sun 28 Jul 2024 05:19:21 PM UTC Category: Feature Request Severity: 3 - Normal Priority: 5 - Normal Status: In Progress Privacy: Public Assigned to: None Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any Release: None Fixed Release: None Planned Release: None Work Required: None _______________________________________________________ Follow-up Comments: ------------------------------------------------------- Date: Sun 28 Jul 2024 05:19:21 PM UTC By: Alexander Naumov <anaumov> The year 2038 problem (also known as Y2038) is a time formatting bug on Unix systems with representing times after 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038. This happens with a 32bit time_t, not with a 64bit time_t. The general statement so far has always been that on 64bit systems with a 64bit time_t you are safe with respect to the Y2038 problem. But this isn't correct: on bi-arch systems like x86-64 (so which can execute 64bit and 32bit binaries) glibc defines __WORDSIZE_TIME64_COMPAT32, which leads to the fact, that struct utmp (used for utmp, wtmp and btmp) and struct lastlog uses int32_t instead of time_t. So we have a Y2038 problem, which is not easy fixable, as this would require ABI and on disk format changes. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?66036> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/
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