Hello, I am a freshman in Linux system in server and I am trying to install 
screen without root privilege. I have downloaded and unzipped the source code 
and get the Makefile by setting .configure in my own space. However when I am 
doing the command

make && make install

The error happens and the first error occurs at here follows:

if [ -f /home/ba22/Install/bin/screen-4.6.2 ] && [ ! -f 
/home/ba22/Install/bin/screen-4.6.2.old ]; \
        then mv /home/ba22/Install/bin/screen-4.6.2 
/home/ba22/Install/bin/screen-4.6.2.old; fi
/usr/bin/install -c screen /home/ba22/Install/bin/screen-4.6.2
chown root /home/ba22/Install/bin/screen-4.6.2 && chmod 4755 

chown: changing ownership of '/home/ba22/Install/bin/screen-4.6.2': Operation 
not permitted
Makefile:86: recipe for target 'install_bin' failed
make: [install_bin] Error 1 (ignored)

If that means I still need to get the administrator’s root to accomplish the 

Looking forward to ur help


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