Follow-up Comment #4, bug#53173 (group screen): Renewed summary: The reported memory errors are not just a nuisance without further impact, but cause very easily reproducible crashes. I’ve been running patched versions for months now, and I do consider them a significant improvement. The only strange thing I notice is that line-breaking seems to be non-deterministic somehow. I don't think this is a consequence of this patch. Rather it only surfaces now that the crash that would have occurred without it, is gone. See <>. I cannot find a good justification for some of the lines being considered actual lines, while others seem to be treated as strings of equal length to window width at the time of creation. All of the lines in this screen capture originate from this shell command used to prevent my PVR hard disk from spinning down:
while sleep 240; do date && touch xx; done The original patch is attached to this bug report here, and the rebased versions are obtainable from the PPA/copr repos linked from my previous comment. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah