IIRC the legacy lockscreen was replaced by the PAM library a while
ago. In principle, you should be able to configure this in

auth    sufficient                      pam_permit.so

This will sort of work; screen will still display the prompt for
password but it will accept anything.

Instead, screen should let only do the password prompt etc if PAM
requires it to.

I think this is a minor issue with program flow for PAM authentication
that seems fixable, without throwing the baby out with the bath water.
I have some ideas about fixing the pam callback but it's not something
I've done before - this is probably somewhat complicated by how screen
processes key events.

On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 7:09 PM anonymous <invalid.nore...@gnu.org> wrote:
> URL:
>   <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?64254>
>                  Summary: Attach a screen sessoin without being forced to
> provide a password
>                    Group: GNU Screen
>                Submitter: None
>                Submitted: Fri 26 May 2023 02:09:14 AM UTC
>                 Category: Program Logic
>                 Severity: 3 - Normal
>                 Priority: 5 - Normal
>                   Status: None
>                  Privacy: Public
>              Assigned to: None
>              Open/Closed: Open
>                  Release: Cur Dev Sources
>          Discussion Lock: Any
>            Fixed Release: 5.0.0
>          Planned Release: 5.0.0
>            Work Required: None
>     _______________________________________________________
> Follow-up Comments:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Fri 26 May 2023 02:09:14 AM UTC By: Anonymous
> Dear screen maintainers & devs,
> Thanks for maintaining GNU screen!
> From ChatGPT I learnt, that in "GNU Screen 4.99 (or current dev branch), the
> ability to disable passwords was removed, and there is no straightforward
> configuration option to achieve this. Password authentication is now enforced
> by default in GNU Screen 4.99 and later versions."
> I couldn't figure out a way using the docs to disable GNU screen's password
> prompt when re-attaching a detached session.
> My issue and my temporary workaround is described here:
> https://marcgloor.github.io/gnuscreenpatch.html
> Can you confirm that the ability to disable passwords was intentionally
> removed? If so, I would request this option to be re-added to the program
> logic again.
> Thanks
> Marc
>     _______________________________________________________
> Reply to this item at:
>   <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?64254>
> _______________________________________________
> Message sent via Savannah
> https://savannah.gnu.org/

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