On Mon, Mar 28, 2022 at 10:39 AM Daniel Santos <dacs....@brilhante.top>

> Hi.
> After spending almost a whole day trying to figure out, in the Internet
> and on the manual pages, why the screen program was not accepting my
> password of my user in my GNU system, I found out that screen, when
> installing from source code, does not install the /etc/pam.d/screen
> file.
> In doing so, every time that a screen user wants to reattach a session,
> it receives an 'enter my password' prompt, with no change on unblocking
> the password of that prompt (because the screen pam.d file is not
> installed).
> Can someone fix this issue and make 'make install' install a
> /etc/pam.d/screen file, when PAM is detected on the system?
> Best
The obvious answer here is that updating /etc/pam.d/screen requires root
privileges, which are implied while doing a "yum/apt" install of a binary
and not necessarily even available to user building from source.

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