URL: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?58539>
Summary: Misleading version information about a current 'master' tree. Project: GNU Screen Submitted by: thaewrapt Submitted on: Wed 10 Jun 2020 06:07:18 PM UTC Category: None Severity: 3 - Normal Priority: 5 - Normal Status: None Privacy: Public Assigned to: None Open/Closed: Open Release: Cur Dev Sources Discussion Lock: Any Fixed Release: None Planned Release: None Work Required: None _______________________________________________________ Details: Hi, Couldn't find a way to find out the approx. version of the current 'master' tree. It's either 4.5.1 according to 'src/doc/screen.texinfo' or v.4.2.1-822-gf0d6154 according to `git describe --tags`. Both are irrelevant thus the bug. This is useful, for example, to build a package like this one for Arch Linux: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/screen-git/ _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?58539> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/