
Dne 05. 02. 20 v 21:45 Amadeusz Sławiński napsal(a):
> As last fix, fixes potential memory overwrite of quite big size (~768
> bytes), and even though I'm not sure about potential exploitability of
> that issue, I highly recommend everyone to upgrade as soon as possible.
> This issue is present at least since v.4.2.0 (haven't checked earlier).
> Thanks to pippin who brought this to my attention.

if I see correctly, this issue was introduced in v.4.7.0 in commit
  c5db181 ansi: add support for xterm OSC 11

note the deletion of
if (--typ2 < 0)
  typ2 = 0;

At least I can't reproduce this issue on v.4.6.2.

Václav Doležal

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