Instead of special-casing HOSTNAME, I would prefer a more general solution.
If I needed to be able to read and set HOSTNAME to something else inside a
screenrc such that it applied to new windows, it's not very straightforward
to me.

I can get 80% of the way there by something like

eval "readreg h /etc/hostname" "register g ':setenv HOSTNAME '" "register i
'\r'" "paste ghi j" command  "process j"

but this is ugly and wastes a few registers, and requires knowing 6
different commands. I couldn't find a nice way to just put a register into
an environment variable.

Env to register is easy:

register s $SHELL

It would be nice to have the reverse, maybe add a -r (for register) flag to
setenv, giving this solution:

readreg h /etc/hostname
setenv -r HOSTNAME h

On Sun, Jan 19, 2020 at 3:42 PM anonymous <> wrote:

> Follow-up Comment #5, bug #57628 (project screen):
> [comment #4 comment #4:]
> > $HOSTNAME (as I see in bash) seem to be provided by
> > shell expansion logic and are not true environment
> > variables set in environment.
> > [...]
> > You can see this by running 'env' command and observing
> > that both of them are missing there.
> I'm pretty sure this isn't true and that "env" just doesn't have $HOSTNAME
> in
> its environment because $HOSTNAME is not (or rather is no longer) exported
> by
> default.
> This is how I checked my assumption:
> - "env | grep HOSTNAME" works after "export HOSTNAME" (so at least it
> *behaves* like a normal environment variable)
> - the man page doesn't say anything special about $HOSTNAME
> - I can't find any special handling in the bash sources.
> The patch is very short, but I thought I should point this out because it
> was
> brought up as a rationale. I also wonder if the patch is the right thing to
> do. Wouldn't it be surprising for users to special-case a normal
> environment
> variable? An entry in the CHANGES file of bash shows that bash consciously
> decided not to export it.
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