Follow-up Comment #5, bug #56063 (project screen): Thanks for the help!
Some information in case others are looking: the <> script mentioned in the forum link: and the important excerpt: # Send a DCS sequence through screen. # Usage: <sequence> screen_dcs() { # Screen limits the length of string sequences, so we have to break it up. # Going by the screen history: # (v4.2.1) Apr 2014 - today: 768 bytes # Aug 2008 - Apr 2014 (v4.2.0): 512 bytes # ??? - Aug 2008 (v4.0.3): 256 bytes # Since v4.2.0 is only ~4 years old, we'll use the 256 limit. # We can probably switch to the 768 limit in 2022. local limit=256 # We go 4 bytes under the limit because we're going to insert two bytes # before (\eP) and 2 bytes after (\e\) each string. echo "$1" | \ sed -E "s:.{$(( limit - 4 ))}:&\n:g" | \ sed -E -e 's:^:\x1bP:' -e 's:$:\x1b\\:' | \ tr -d '\n' } _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah