>From within screen, I do:

$ screen -L cat food

This pops up a new window (in the current screen session) with an error
message that food doesn't exist, then exits (see note 1 below). I should
then have a screenlog.N file on my system containing that error message.
But there is no such file.

My understanding from the man page is that -L on the command line is
supposed to be like doing an immediate ^aH in the window, but it doesn't
work.  Note that if I do the ^aH in the newly created window, then I will
get the expected log file.

Tested originally under:

    4.02.01 28-Apr-14

Then re-tested under:

    4.06.02 23-Oct-17

with same result.

    1) Actually, I have "zombie" mode on, so the window stays open and I
        can see the error message generated.  But the results are the same
        whether or not zombie mode is on and regardless of what command is
        used to test (cat food being only used for demonstration purposes).

    2) I have not tested to see if "-L" works when screen is launched
        outside of screen.  I.e., if screen is not already running.

    3) This is actually a bit annoying, since for one of my projects, I
        really need logging to be on automatically - that is, without my
        having to do ^aH in the window.

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