URL: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?55251>
Summary: Defining a screen number and enabling captions makes man pages lines duplicate when using the search function Project: GNU Screen Submitted by: None Submitted on: Thu 20 Dec 2018 05:31:30 AM UTC Category: None Severity: 3 - Normal Priority: 5 - Normal Status: None Privacy: Public Assigned to: None Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any Release: None Fixed Release: None Planned Release: None Work Required: None _______________________________________________________ Details: I'm using Arch Linux and GNU Screen version 4.6.2. When I set both the options "screen 1" (or any number) and "caption always" (or "hardstatus alwayslastline") in my .screenrc, and then I try to use the search function in any man page, every line on the screen appears duplicated. It happens only in the screen number defined in "screen 1" (or whatever number). It's reproducible in any Screen version that I could find, using any terminal emulator or even the console, and it happens at least in Arch and Gentoo. A demonstration of this problem can be seen in this video: https://youtu.be/jNIiJfAvdvA _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?55251> _______________________________________________ Message sent via Savannah https://savannah.gnu.org/