Follow-up Comment #4, bug #43054 (project screen):

I compiled 4.3.1 & 4.4.0 and tested again on the same system. The same issue
still happens.

BTW, it's a 64-bit Debian, in case that matters.

Some console output below for your reference:

cychoi:~/tmp/screen/screen-4.4.0$ cat screenrc
vbell on
termcapinfo * vb@
defmonitor on
cychoi:~/tmp/screen/screen-4.4.0$ SCREENDIR=. SCREENRC=./screenrc ./screen


(inside the screen session)

cychoi:~/tmp/screen/screen-4.4.0$ echo $STY^G



cychoi:~$ ps xf | grep screen
18536 pts/12   S+     0:00      \_ grep screen
18360 pts/11   S+     0:00      \_ ./screen
18361 ?        Zs     0:00          \_ [screen] <defunct>


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