Hi Amadeusz,
I always fanced scripting for GNU Screen. In GSoC 2009 there was work done
on scripting for GNU Screen which included Python and Lua. However it
didn't got upstream.

Improving GNU Screen scripting was later mentioned as an GSoC idea at GNU:

Improving GNU Screen scripting is the problem I would preferably work on. I
would like to make more capabilities available through scripting and
stabilize it so it could be merged upstream.
I am also open to other ideas.

Sorry for the delayed response. My mailing list subscription settings were
invalid and I missed your email.
It would be great if you could be the mentor.


On Tue, 24 Jul 2014 12:02:19 +0200
>On Tue, 22 Jul 2014 19:49:30 +0200
>Artur Skonecki <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am writing to the list because I am contemplating taking part in
>> Google Summer of Code 2015. I did GNU Screen development in the past (
>> https://github.com/skoneka/screen-session ).
>it's bit early, but I see no reason why it could not happen. Seems like
>project application start around February, so there is still ~5 months.
>> Could GNU Screen take part in GSoC?
>As far as I know most GNU projects take part of GSOC under GNU umbrella
>so it's definitely possible.
>> Do you have suggestions for features that could be worked on during
>> GSoC? Are there developers who are willing to be mentors?
>There are some ideas floating around, but let's hear first if there is
>anything specific you would like to work on?
>It's next year, so I can't yet guarantee anything, but I can mentor.

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