URL: <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?42342>
Summary: screen hangs irretrievably Project: GNU Screen Submitted by: None Submitted on: Tue 13 May 2014 01:28:04 AM UTC Category: Crash/Freeze/Infloop Severity: 3 - Normal Priority: 5 - Normal Status: None Privacy: Public Assigned to: None Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any Release: 4.2.1 Fixed Release: None Planned Release: None Work Required: None _______________________________________________________ Details: I was working in screen, and it stopped responding. The master SCREEN process is using 100% of a CPU. I attached with gdb, the stack trace looks like this: (gdb) bt #0 WinProcess (bufpp=0x7fff52363150, lenp=0x7fff52363164) at window.c:326 #1 0x0000000000433cd6 in DoAction (act=<optimized out>, key=0) at process.c:1837 #2 0x000000000043941c in StuffKey (i=<optimized out>) at process.c:6548 #3 0x000000000042d871 in ProcessInput ( ibuf=0x7fff52365231 "OA\033OA\033A\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033OA\033"..., ilen=<optimized out>) at process.c:848 #4 0x000000000044166d in disp_readev_fn (ev=<optimized out>, data=<optimized out>) at display.c:3510 #5 0x0000000000448550 in sched () at sched.c:237 #6 0x0000000000406b98 in main (ac=0, av=<optimized out>) at screen.c:1475 The problem appears to be that fore->w_inbuf is full: (gdb) p sizeof(fore->w_inbuf) $20 = 4096 (gdb) p fore->w_inlen $21 = 4096 (gdb) p f $22 = 0 Therefore, no data can be copied into w_inbuf from *bufpp, and the loop at process.c:1837 never exits. The only way out is to forcibly kill the screen process, which loses all of my session state. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?42342> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Savannah http://savannah.gnu.org/