On 21.02.13,20:14, Juergen Weigert wrote: > On Feb 14, 13 16:38:33 +0100, Thomas Renninger wrote: > > > If anyone wants to try it's here http://github.com/amade/screen > > Thanks! > I've added a pointer to the entry page of > https://savannah.gnu.org/projects/screen/ > > > > > Anyway thanks for patch and just letting know that there is at least one > > > person still poking at stuff. > > If I am the only one I certainly will do it similar like you do. > > If you or others are still interested we might want to give it a go after > > finding out who could adjust the GNU project page. > > Thomas, I will grant you admin privileges at the savannah project, if you > have a login name there. > > cheers, > JW-
Would it be an idea to move the savannah code to github instead making it more visible and easy for more to contribute so we could get a new release? Or we could use the amade site above? Seems like a new release is held up due to noone knows who should follow it up. I believe a github account might make it more efficient. Jostein