On Tue, May 29, 2012 at 05:47:52PM EDT, Britton Kerin wrote:


> You seem to be correct.  The -S man page documentation still needs
> a fix though.  It begins "When creating a new session,... " which is
> very misleading.  I notice that the Screen User's Manual has this:

> ‘-S sessionname’
>     Set the name of the new session to sessionname. This option can be used
>     to specify a meaningful name for the session in place of the default
>     tty.host suffix. This name identifies the session for the screen -list
>     and screen -r commands. This option is equivalent to the sessionname
>     command (see Session Name).

> Which is different text but wrong in the same way.  The -S option has
> semantic significance that has nothing to do with the creation of new
> sessions. It applies in that case but also in others.
> I just spent some time trying to figure out how to get a list of all
> the windows in a session, to be sure and send the commant to the
> correct one. But I couldn't figure it out.  I'm using the 'screen
> /serial/port/dev' form of the screen command, which doesn't seem to
> support the n argument that lets you specify the window number
> explicitly.  'screen -list' says it lists sessions, and indeed its
> output doesn't seem to show window numbers. I think a general cleanup
> of the description of the options controlling and specifying sessions
> and windows would be worthwhile.

As a long-time user, it doesn't strike me as inconsistant.. perhaps not
as clear as it should be. But then I'm probably so used to that man

Maybe you could send in a doc patch that suggests a clearer formulation
to the maintainers and they'll take it from there..?



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