crypt() can return NULL, but screen uses functions like strcmp()
directly on the return value of crypt().

crypt() can return NULL when the system is in fips mode and the hashing
algorithm passed via the salt value is not allowed (eg md5)

Attached is a patch

diff -Naur screen-orig/src/acls.c screen/src/acls.c
--- screen-orig/src/acls.c      2012-03-07 06:05:35.000000000 -0500
+++ screen/src/acls.c   2012-04-23 22:57:03.595468724 -0400
@@ -544,12 +544,25 @@
       if (pw2 && *pw2 && *pw2 != '\377')       /* provided a system password */
-         if (!*pass ||                         /* but needed none */
-             strcmp(crypt(pw2, pass), pass))
+         if (!*pass)                           /* but needed none */
              debug("System password mismatch\n");
+         else
+           {
+             char *cryptbuf =  crypt(pw2, pass);
+             if(cryptbuf == NULL) 
+              {
+               debug("System crypt() failed\n");
+               sorry++;
+              }
+             else if (strcmp(cryptbuf, pass))
+              {
+             debug("System password mismatch\n");
+             sorry++;
+              }
+           }
       else                                     /* no pasword provided */
         if (*pass)                             /* but need one */
@@ -557,12 +570,29 @@
       if (pw1 && *pw1 && *pw1 != '\377')       /* provided a screen password */
-         if (!*u->u_password ||                /* but needed none */
-             strcmp(crypt(pw1, u->u_password), u->u_password))
+        char *cryptbuf;
+         if (!*u->u_password)          /* but needed none */
              debug("screen password mismatch\n");
-              sorry++;
+             sorry++;
+         else
+          {
+           cryptbuf = crypt(pw1, u->u_password);
+           if (cryptbuf == NULL)
+             {
+               debug("crypt() failed\n");
+               sorry++;
+             }
+           else
+             {
+             if(strcmp(cryptbuf, u->u_password))
+              {
+               debug("screen password mismatch\n");
+               sorry++;
+              }
+             }
+          }   
       else                                     /* no pasword provided */
         if (*u->u_password)                    /* but need one */
diff -Naur screen-orig/src/misc.c screen/src/misc.c
--- screen-orig/src/misc.c      2012-03-07 06:05:35.000000000 -0500
+++ screen/src/misc.c   2012-04-23 22:34:56.740665509 -0400
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
   register char *cp;
+  if(str == NULL)
+    Panic(0, "SaveStr() received NULL - possibly failed crypt()");
   if ((cp = malloc(strlen(str) + 1)) == NULL)
     Panic(0, "%s", strnomem);
diff -Naur screen-orig/src/process.c screen/src/process.c
--- screen-orig/src/process.c   2012-03-07 06:05:35.000000000 -0500
+++ screen/src/process.c        2012-04-23 22:41:09.318930088 -0400
@@ -6343,6 +6343,10 @@
        salt[st] = 'A' + (int)((time(0) >> 6 * st) % 26);
       salt[2] = 0;
       buf = crypt(u->u_password, salt);
+      if(buf == NULL) {
+        Msg(0, "[ no working crypt() - no secure ]");
+       return;
+      }
       bzero(u->u_password, strlen(u->u_password));
       free((char *)u->u_password);
       u->u_password = SaveStr(buf);
diff -Naur screen-orig/src/socket.c screen/src/socket.c
--- screen-orig/src/socket.c    2012-04-23 22:17:55.678316716 -0400
+++ screen/src/socket.c 2012-04-23 22:29:12.225173900 -0400
@@ -1565,13 +1565,18 @@
       c = *(unsigned char *)ibuf++;
       if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
+         char *buf;
          up = D_user->u_password;
          pwdata->buf[l] = 0;
-         if (strncmp(crypt(pwdata->buf, up), up, strlen(up)))
+         buf = crypt(pwdata->buf, up);
+         if((buf == NULL) || (strncmp(buf, up, strlen(up))))
              /* uh oh, user failed */
              bzero(pwdata->buf, sizeof(pwdata->buf));
-             AddStr("\r\nPassword incorrect.\r\n");
+             if(buf==NULL)
+               AddStr("\r\ncrypt() failed.\r\n");
+             else
+               AddStr("\r\nPassword incorrect.\r\n");
              D_processinputdata = 0;   /* otherwise freed by FreeDis */
              Msg(0, "Illegal reattach attempt from terminal %s.", 

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