Follow-up Comment #3, bug #35757 (project screen):

I hate to say it, but this fix covers only the case outlined in my original
Steps to Reproduce.  If you instead follow these steps, you'll get a segfault

Steps to reproduce:
0. Launch screen and set ":altscreen on" (use the attached crash.screenrc)
1. Split into two regions
2. Use the 'screen' command to launch a program that will use the altscreen
(eg. C-a :screen vim)
3. Execute :only to kill the other region; now vim is using the entire screen
4. Exit vim. (that's :q for you Emacs folks). Screen segfaults at this point.

When I probe the core file left behind, I see this:

(gdb) frame 4
#4  0x00000000004202d8 in ChangeWindowSize (p=0x24f1e60, wi=80, he=60,
    at resize.c:752
752               if (ml->image[p->w_width] == ' ')
(gdb) print *ml
$1 = {
  image = 0x2020202020202020 <Address 0x2020202020202020 out of bounds>,
  attr = 0x2020202020202020 <Address 0x2020202020202020 out of bounds>,
  font = 0x2020202020202020 <Address 0x2020202020202020 out of bounds>,
  color = 0x2020202020202020 <Address 0x2020202020202020 out of bounds>

Somehow (struct mline *) ml now contains a bunch of ASCII space characters.


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