
richo wrote:
> I would literally just keep a copy of the binary.

If the binary alone suffices...

> Don't worry about trying to keep both versions installed ala gentoo
> slots, I think you'll just make more headaches for yourself.

I don't think that's worth it either.

> you could be very sneaky and do something like
> for i in `dpkg -L screen`; do
>     mkdir -p `dirname $i`
>     cp $i /tmp/screen_backup/$i
> done

Hrm. That looks quite ugly and not very clean to me. But this or a
variant with not all files are a possible option, yes.

> to make a backup of everything that the screen package installs in case it
> all goes really pearshaped.

My current favourite though is something like

  screen -ls && exit 1


  ps aux | grep -q SCREEN && exit 1

or both in the preinst or preconfigure script of the package plus a
warning that screen can be just upgraded if no more screen is running.
That way dpkg would do most of the work for me.

If there are no Conflicts with other packages, IMHO the best way would
be to do the whole dist-upgrade in screen except screen itself (it
would refuse to do so) and after everything else is through and fine,
exit the screen session to finally upgrade screen itself.

> Let me know how you go. I've switched to tmux now (ironically, doing the
> screen upgrade in tmux would also work pretty well..)

That was my very first thought and is also a possible alternative to
be mentioned in the Debian Wheezy release notes. A less laudable one
for screen, though.

                Regards, Axel
 ,''`.  |  Axel Beckert <a...@debian.org>, http://people.debian.org/~abe/
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