Follow-up Comment #1, bug #32623 (project screen): This issue seriously limit's screen automation. Moreover the 'stuff', 'exec', 'kill' -X commands. I'm reproducting this problem on FreeBSD 6.4-STABLE and Linux 2.6.26-2-686-bigmem.
I've get to a workaround - reattaching the screen using 'screen -r' and detaching makes the screen session back controllable. Example of problem reproduction and workarounds "I want to spawn 'man ls' and leave running in a screen session" #10 Create screen session (assume no 'test' sessions exist) $ screen -d -m -S test #20 ...but the following will have no effect no mater how many # times repeated ('stuff' also fails): $ screen -S test -X exec man ls <RETURN> #30 But reattaching (as bg job to keep control) and detaching... #BUG? But sometimes no screen is available to atach to! $screen -S test -r & sleep 2 ; screen -S test detach <RETURN> # ...will make the screen controllable! #40 Now, it works! $ screen -S test -X exec man ls <RETURN> So workaround is like this: $ screen -d -m -S test; screen -S test -r & sleep 2 ; screen -S test detach; screen -S test -X exec man ls But if I want to spawn screen and leave it running with 'man ls' on a remote machine using a script that is calling ssh the key workaround part 'screen -S test -r' will not succeeed because "Must be connected to a terminal", even 'ssh -t', 'ssh -tt' will not help. So, I spawn ssh in local screen and control this screen in order to execute desired remote commands via ssh. To spawn command in a local screen from script I need to use the above workaround. Finally the local obolete session should be closed but single -X kill command has no effect... somehow repeated twice succeeds $ screen -m -d -S test;sleep 2;screen -S test -r&sleep 1;screen -S test -X detach;screen -S test -X exec ssh user@rmachine; sleep 4;screen -S test -X stuff "screen -m -d -S test;screen -r&sleep 1; screen -S test -X detach; screen -S test -X exec man ls"$'x0D'; sleep 2; screen -S test -r&sleep 2;screen -S test -X detach;echo killing;screen -S test -X kill; screen -S test -X kill _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Savannah