I am looking to implement some new features in screen. I'd like some feedback on my idea before I begin.
The feature I am looking for is a new flag to extend the output of -ls (-le = list extended?) to show the title of each window of each session, and in the case of an attached session, the pty(s) to which it is attached. I have had a quick browse of the source and this doesn't look terribly difficult to implement. Is there anything I should know before I begin, or anything you would add/remove? I am also unsure which codebase on which to work, I have the source from the freeBSD port, the source from the debian package (Which includes vsplits) and the trunk I retrieved from Savannah. None of them seem to have an obvious parent <> child relationship with one another, and the fBSD port is the only one which builds on BSD, which is where I do a significant amount of work. Applying the debian 01CVS.dpatch patch from their packaged source allowed me to build a screen with vsplit support on BSD, so presumably I can apply this patch to that source to give me a build that does what I need but this seems hackish. Thanks in advance. richo --richo || Today's excuse:
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