Follow-up Comment #1, bug #31584 (project screen):

True, this is not obvious.

In the section WINDOW TYPES, we have this:

          If a tty (character special device) name (e.g. "/dev/ttya") is
specified as the first  parameter,  then  the
          window is directly connected to this device.  This window type is
similar to "screen cu -l /dev/ttya".  Read
          and write access is required on the device node, an exclusive open
is attempted on the node to mark the con-
          nection line as busy.  An optional parameter is allowed consisting
of a comma separated list of flags in the
          notation used by stty(1):

                 Usually 300, 1200, 9600 or 19200. This affects transmission
as well as receive speed.

Higher baud rates (38400, 57600, 115200) should be mentioned, and an example
should get added to the SYNOPSIS. I am not particularly happy with the
reference to cu, which is possibly less known than screen.

An introductory paragraph should be added near the top of the manual
explaining the two basic usage scenarios terminal multiplexer (/dev/ttyUSB0 or
'//telnet host port', typical multiuser) versus shell/application multiplexer
(typical single user).


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