Follow-up Comment #2, bug #31436 (project screen): I'm using the line numbers as given in the blog. The asm code does this: 15: that's just a marker for me to be able to find the function later more easy 16: decrease the stack pointer to put a struct sigaction in there 17: put SIG_IGN in there - SIG_IGN is just the number 1 18: first argument for the rt_sigaction syscall is on which signal you want to operate; we want to ignore signal SIGHUP - SIGHUP has the value 1 19: second argument for the rt_sigaction syscall is the pointer to the sigaction struct 20: in case you want to store the old signal behaviour you could set the third argument to non-NULL; we don't do this here and set it to null 21: the fourth argument is size_t sigsetsize; that's 8 22: so, as specified in /usr/include/asm/unistd_64.h the syscall number for rt_sigaction is 13; so we just put that into rax 23: syscall: just execute the syscall
that's how easy it is to ignore a signal ;) 24: now, we want to open a file; the syscall number for open is 2 25: move " l" into rbx 26: push that on the stack 27: move "/dev/nul" into rbx 28: push that on the stack 29: first argument for open is which file you want to open; filename is stored on the stack at rsp 30: we open the file in mode O_WRONLY; thats a symbol for 1 31: execute that syscall that's how easy it is to open the file /dev/null in mode O_WRONLY I put "/dev/null " on the stack, because it would be to complicated to put it into the data segment and adjust the address correctly. 32: the open syscall returned in eax the filedescriptor number; we want to use that number as second argument for dup2; so we put it into rdi 33: first argument of dup2 is which filedescriptor should be moved; that's stdout (number 1) 34: syscall number for dup2 is 33 or 0x21 35: execute the syscall that's how easy it is to move the stdout to /dev/null 37: 0x2 is the syscall for the open syscall 38: we want to open the file "/dev/null " 39: second argument for open is how we want to open that file; we want to open it O_RDONLY (=0) 40: just syscall now we have opened "/dev/null " twice; first WRONLY, second RDONLY 41: same as in line 32 42: we want to move stdin (=0) 43: same as in line 34 44: syscall now we have connected stdin to RDONLY opened /dev/null lines 45 and following do the same for stderr and WRONLY /dev/null No, I don't think it could be written in C. To make that portable I have only ideas: - write a loader (in asm) -> loader is not portable - parse the glibc, klibc and find the right opcodes :( - perhaps it's possible to write llvm-asm and get out opcodes for several architectures I should add, that this is only a proof of concept what is possible! Perhaps it would be easier to code this in kernel-mode; but I'm not a kernel hacker :( If you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask me. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <> _______________________________________________ Message sent via/by Savannah