Sadrul Habib Chowdhury wrote:
>       -AC_TRY_RUN(main(){exit(0);},,[
>       +AC_TRY_RUN([

AC_TRY_RUN is deprecated.  Use AC_RUN_IFELSE

> Or, perhaps we should just make sure that we remove -Wall -Werror from
> CFLAGS when running ./configure, to keep things simple?

That is the standard approach.

If you are updating the autotool files, I might
be willing to invest some time.  I spent a fair
amount of time a little over a year ago on them,
and made a lot of progress, but have abandoned
the work since.  gnulib integration was going
well, but it was around the time Micah stopped
maintaining.  If you're interested, you can
pull from wrp/wscreen.git on github.  My
ISP is down at the moment, so I can't pull
from master to check if things still work, and
my last merge was Feb 16 2009.  I suppose
I can't send this email, either, so I'll stick
it in drafts and get it sent when my
connection is back up.

William Pursell

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