URL: <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?29078>
Summary: screen -q -ls gives wrong return value Project: GNU Screen Submitted by: taupan Submitted on: Fr 05 Mär 2010 13:47:58 GMT Category: User Interface Severity: 3 - Normal Priority: 5 - Normal Status: None Privacy: Public Assigned to: None Open/Closed: Open Discussion Lock: Any Release: Cur Dev Sources Fixed Release: None Planned Release: None Work Required: None _______________________________________________________ Details: With stable versions of screen, when I have the following output from screen -ls: There is a screen on: 12095.pts-2.orion (Attached) 1 Socket in /tmp/screens/S-fdf. screen -q -ls gives me 11 as return value (10 for socket directory, +1 for each attachable session according to the manpage). With recent git ( da8e87d6505fb33ed131144a33af88c6d0dc96fd and later) I get just 10 as return value. This is in direct contradiction to the manpage, so I assume it's a bug. If however there was a good reason to change this, then this is just a documentation bug. _______________________________________________________ Reply to this item at: <http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?29078> _______________________________________________ Nachricht geschickt von/durch Savannah http://savannah.gnu.org/