On Feb 26, 10 15:46:54 -0500, Sadrul Habib Chowdhury wrote:
> * mrbro...@juno.com had this to say on [24 Feb 2010, 19:56:57 -0700]:
> > 
> > 
> > On Wed, 24 Feb 2010 03:45:04 -0500 Sadrul Habib Chowdhury
> > 
> > I appreciate your patience, but there's still something I not getting.
> > Let me ask this: In your brand new list_window.c file, there is
> > gl_Window_input(). Inside is a switch where one of the cases is:
> > 
> >    case 0177:  /* Backspace */
> > 
> > 177 isn't in term.c. So how did you know 0177 corresponds to the
> > backspace key?
> That value comes from the 'kbs'/'kb' entry in terminfo/termcap. Most
> (all?) terminals set it to 0177.

screen takes it from the kbs/kb entries.
In my experience, either 0177 or 010 is the correct value, for almost any

One of these is backspace, and the other is kill line.
In my dream world I would have no 'kill line' function at all, but both
0177 and 010 perform a nice one character backspace.

One of the most annoying misfeatures about terminals, is getting these two
wrong sometimes.  You type a line, hit the wrong key, try backspace and
have to start all over again, this time mistyping soem other key, try
backspace, and start all over a third time... very annoying :-)


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